Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How thoughtful?!?!?

So I've felt for a while that my marriage isn't where it needs to be. We argue, we fight, we ignore each other, etc... seems like lately there are more bad times than good... actually its been this way for a while, a very long while.

There have been times when he's made me feel bad, small even but never like today...

After not talking for wks, he touches my shoulder and attempts to hand me a target giftcard (of course thats one of my favorite stores) saying "don't say I never gave you nothing" but I'm not crazy so I question it and he says "Nevermind" and walks away. Then it dawns on me... this "thoughtful" gift was no attempt to squash the battle or to make me feel good or even him being thoughtful... this was a muthafucking REGIFT. I am willing to bet my life that that giftcard was to him from his job. I'M PISSED but mostly HURT!!! HOW FUCKING INCONSIDERATE!


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